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Services performed?
RMI performs:
Site Assessments for hazardous chemicals and radiological materials, using LSPs and LEPs
Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments under Federal (e.g., CERCLA, RCRA, NRC, NCP) and State Programs (Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island)
Risk-Based Remedial Design & Site Closure Strategies
Indoor Air Forensic Investigations
Expert Witness Support Services for Qui Tam, Toxic Tort, and Wrongful Death Suits from exposures to hazardous chemicals and drugs.
What types of risks do you assess and manage?
Assessment of Exposures to:
Chemical Hazards:
Petroleum releases at petroleum storage and distribution centers, terminals, and filling stations
Coal tar wastes, PCBs, metals, cyanide, and solvents at former Manufactured Gas Plants
Chlorinated solvents at manufacturing facilities and commercial dry cleaning establishments
Uranium, thorium, radium and plutonium releases at DOE, FUSRAP, and SDMP and private facilities, as well as mixed waste
Risk-Based Remedial design
Site Closure Strategies
Indoor Air Forensic Investigations
Expert Witness Support Services:
Qui Tam
Toxic Tort
Wrongful Death Suits - Hazrdous Chemicals and Pharmaceutical Expsouress
How are your services provided?
RMI provides consulting services through a Technical Services Agreement, either contracting directly with you, the client, or through a subcontract with a professional environmental services company or law firm retained by you.
Do you carry insurance?
RMI maintains the following insurance coverage:
1. Workers' Compensation as required by law
2. Commercial General Liability - $5,000,000
3. Professional Liability - $5,000,000