Individual Nutrition Assessment and Counseling (Medical Nutrition Therapy)

       Areas of expertise include:

          ·       Celiac Disease

·       Weight management

·       PCOS

·       Osteoporosis

·       Menopause

·       Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and constipation

·       Inflammatory bowel disease (colitis, Crohn’s)

·       Sports nutrition

·       Healthy eating, cooking, recipe modification, dining out


·       Expert Witness Support - Medical Malpractice

·       Eating Disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder)

·       Diabetes Mellitus

·       Lipid Disorders (abnormal LDL-, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides)

·       Congestive Heart Failure

·       High blood pressure

·       Hypoglycemia      

    Services include:

·       A thorough nutritional assessment. Prior to your initial session, you will be asked to fax or mail to RMI:

·      Results of most recent blood work and pertinent medical tests;

·  Self-completed nutrition history questionnaire (supplied by RMI);

·  Doctor’s referral (for medical conditions only);

·     Three-day nutritional intake, activity, and symptom records (supplied by RMI)

·       At your initial consultation, you will:

             ·      Receive and review a computer print-out of your dietary analysis that identifies potential nutritional inadequacies or excesses;

·       Discuss nutrition, health, calorie, weight, and activity goals and construct a written action plan outlining the short-term goals to be achieved and how to achieve them;

·       Receive an individualized meal and activity plan and/or a handout with suggested changes to help you work toward achieving your goals,

·       Receive customized printed educational handouts to reinforce treatment principles discussed;

·       Discuss, examine, and/or taste foods that will make dietary change easier for you, based upon your food preferences and history; and

·       Determine frequency of follow-up consultations and how to deal with questions or set-backs in the interim to maintain progress in achieving treatment goals.

·       At follow-up consultations, you will:

·       Review progress made with treatment goals and discuss how to maintain or achieve current or additional treatment goals;

·       Review results of new medical tests/exams in relation to your nutritional status and treatment goals;

·       Discuss areas of concern and those not covered in depth during your initial consultation (label reading, dining out, recipe modification, etc.); and

·       As necessary, complete food/activity/symptom records, receive and discuss their results and impact on your treatment.

Lectures, Interactive Presentations

       Our most popular lectures have included, but are not limited to:

·        Updates on Nutrition in the Prevention and Management of Heart Disease, Diabetes, or High Blood Pressure

·        Fit n’ Fifty

·        Tiny Tyrants:  Feeding your Toddler without Tears

·        Teen Fiesta:  Hot Topics and Tastings

·        Hormone Replacement Therapy:  Snake in the Grass or Fountain of Youth?

·        Cutting through the Clutter:  How to Sort through the Maze of Confusion about Nutrition that Abounds in the Media

·        Low Carb or Low Fat---Which is Right for YOU?

·        Winning Nutrition for Sports-Minded Kids

      Each presentation or lecture may include:

·        One to eight hours of presentation;

·        Pre-and post self- assessment questionnaires;

·        A variety of educational handouts to reinforce principles learned;

·        Scientific references, and for consumers, a list of self-help resources; and

·        Actual foods and recipes to taste, where feasible.

Employee Wellness Programs

      Programs may include but are not limited to:

·       Twelve lunch-hour presentations that each address a different aspect of nutrition—these include:  a self-assessment quiz, lecture, post-test, educational handouts, and food tasting;

·       Monthly visits to your facility to assess the nutritional status of selected individuals with chronic disease risk factors (obesity, high blood pressure, lipid disorders, etc.

    and to provide them with individual nutrition counseling;

·       Development of an employee cafeteria program that includes: point of service nutrition facts; modification of recipes or menu items to enhance their health value; cafeteria newsletters on nutrition;

  nutrition videos (where feasible); provision of healthful recipes for home use; food tasting; and cafeteria contests to promote nutrition knowledge.


·        Lower healthcare costs;

·        Increased employee productivity;

·        Less employee absenteeism and turnover;

·        Higher employee morale

Recipe and Menu Analysis and Modification


   Services include:

·     Analyses performed with leading nutrition professional software program;

·     Recipes and menus formulated with flavor, color, texture, and cost-containment in mind;

·     In-service training provided to staff, when requested, to successfully enact changes.


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