"Finding Solutions to Help People Manage Chronic Disease Risks"
RMI's regular business hours by appointment only are Monday-Friday 10:30 AM to 6:30 PM. (Eastern Standard Time)
What we do
RMI specializes in identifying the client’s nutrition-related risk factors for chronic disease, helping individuals to clearly understand the risks and how to modify them with appropriate lifestyle changes, and supporting individuals in their efforts to enact the changes to reduce the risk of disease or its progression. To achieve this, clients are provided with customized tools to help them plan, prepare, and consume a nutritionally adequate and palatable diet and an individualized activity plan, based on their personal goals and medical condition. Client follow-up is maintained via e-mail, telephone, and office visits. RMI’s goal is to provide each client with credible, scientifically-based nutrition knowledge whose complexity has been simplified and tailored to the individuals’ needs so that the client is empowered to make the correct lifestyle decisions to reduce his or her risk for or progression of chronic disease that is amenable to nutrition intervention. RMI also provides Expert Witness Services in Nutrition to a number of Lawfirms across the US, involving Malpractice Lawsuits.
Our business history
Founded in 1998, RMI is a privately held Veteran, Women-Owned Small Business located in Shirley, Massachusetts, committed to providing value-added professional consulting services, with over 44 years of experience in nutrition research, assessment, education, communication, and management.
Cynthia M. Woodman, M.S., R.D.N., L.D.N.
RMI's President, CFO & Co-Founder Cynthia M. Woodman, M.S., R.D.N., L.D.N. a Medical Nutrition Therapist, received her Master’s degree in nutritional sciences from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, her Bachelor’s degree in nutrition research/dietetics from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, and completed an externship in clinical nutrition at Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, IL, and an internship in dietetics at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA. She is a Registered Dietitian with the American Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics and a Licensed Dietitian-Nutritionist in Massachusetts. She is certified in Adult Weight Management through the American Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics. In addition to working with clients individually in her office and in nursing homes/assisted living centers, she is a consultant for the Town of Acton Nursing Service, and has taught various nutrition courses for the Acton-Boxborough school system, and serves as an advisor for the Nutritional Science and Diet Technology Program at the North Shore Community College.
Previous Positions: Expertise in Patient Care, Education, and Communications
Before co-founding RMI, Cindy worked as a chief clinical dietitian at George Washington University Medical Center, Washington, D.C., and at the University of Tennessee-City of Memphis Hospitals where she provided and supervised direct patient care and developed employee worksite wellness materials and programs for the Marriott Corporation. She also held a position as Research Dietitian at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD as a Commissioned Officer in the Public Health Service (PHS), where, in addition to dealing with patients with unique and often severe medical problems, including AIDs, she also served as chairperson of the Nutritional Standards of Practice Committee and provided in-service regularly to staff. Cindy also served as a cardiovascular nutrition specialist at Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, IL. She worked there with in-patients suffering from various cardiovascular disorders and regularly conducted classes on nutrition and heart disease for both in- and out-patients and staff. In addition, she has developed and analyzed recipes and menus and written sections of a book geared toward the prevention of heart disease for laypeople with Lynn Fisher, television celebrity, of the “Low Cholesterol Gourmet” series books and television shows. Cindy has also written a chapter on nutrition in heart disease for a nursing textbook accepted for publication by Harper and Row, and served as a research assistant at Griffith Laboratories, Chicago, preparing and testing ingredients and recipes.
Cindy has taught courses on sports health and nutrition to high school students and has lectured extensively to lay and professional groups on various aspects of nutrition, including women’s health issues, feeding picky toddlers, college-bound nutrition, and updates in diabetes and cardiovascular disease, to name a few. She has also served as a spokesperson for the nutrition committee of the American Heart Association-Memphis Chapter and has appeared on radio and television in that capacity, and represented the NIH’s Clinical Center Nutrition Department by providing testimony to the Institute of Medicine’s Food and Nutrition Subcommittee of the National Academy of Sciences on uses of the Recommended Dietary Allowances in kidney disease.
What makes us unique
RMI is committed to providing responsive, quality professional nutrition consulting services, using state-of-the-art analytical tools and resources. We also provide Expert Witness Services to many law firms across the US, specializing in Nutrition Malpractice Lawsuits. We are not the “food police,” but listen carefully to each client’s individual needs. We provide customized monitoring tools, recipes, menus, and educational handouts, based on the client’s unique characteristics to more effectively help each client meet their health care goals.