"With nearly 70,000 members, the American Dietetic Association is the nation’s largest organization of food and nutrition professionals. ADA serves the public by promoting optimal nutrition, health and well-being. ADA members are the most valued source of food and nutrition services."
Member since 1974.
"SCAN is a dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association. With nearly 5,000 members, SCAN brings together registered dietitians, diet technicians, and other professionals with expertise and skills in promoting the role of nutrition in physical performance, cardiovascular health, wellness, and disordered eating. Our role is to educate the public on how sound nutrition practices can nourish the body and reduce the risks and impact of disease. We do this first by doing no harm. Then, we provide sound information to athletes, consumers, health and fitness professionals, and members of the food and nutrition industries, the media, and regulatory agencies. In doing so we recognize these constituents come from diverse backgrounds and we tailor our services accordingly."
Member since 1997.
"The Weight Management dietetic practice group supports the highest level of professional practice in the prevention and treatment of overweight and obesity throughout the life cycle. Our primary focus is the science and application of weight management prevention and treatment. Our practice group serves as an important link between the public, organizations, and industry to dietetic professionals with an expertise in weight management. With nearly sixty-five percent of Americans overweight or obese, obesity has become a major public health problem. And, because it impacts other chronic diseases, including cardiovascular, diabetes, and cancer, obesity affects many areas of dietetic practice, including clinical nutrition and public health."
Member since 2003.
"The Diabetes Care and Education (DCE) Dietetic Practice Group promotes quality diabetes care and education by making positive contributions to people with diabetes and their families, providing an environment for professional growth to members and promoting clinical and educational research. DCE takes a proactive position on nutrition and diabetes legislative and public policy issues and responds to the needs of collaborative diabetes organizations and industry. Members practice in clinical settings, education, private practice, public health, managed care organizations, industry and research. They also are active at the local, regional and national levels in diabetes organizations. DCE developed Nutrition Practice Guidelines for type 1, type 2 and gestational diabetes and continues to develop nutrition/diabetes publications for professionals and people with diabetes."
Member since 1999.